BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP)

What is BC Provincial Nominee Program?

British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is an immigration program offered by BC Government. It has multiple categories to select and nominate foreign workers, international students and entrepreneurs to apply for Canadian permanent residency. All the BC PNP Programs have unique eligibility requirements catering to different types of immigrants willing to move to British Columbia. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover all the streams that come under British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program.

A few advantages of this program are given below:

  • Provides you with the provision for an LMIA Exempt Work Permit
  • Helps applicants who don’t qualify for Federal Programs to achieve Permanent Residency through an expedited pathway.
  • Allows you to stay in Canada by getting a work permit until you receive your Permanent Residency.

BC PNP works on a point-based system that determines their chances to be invited by the province to apply.

The score is constructed on several elements:

  • Employment Offer
  • Years’ of directly related work experience
  • Salary
  • Highest level of education
  • Language Proficiency and
  • Region of Employment

The British Columbia PNP is broadly divided into two categories:

  1. BC PNP Skills Immigration and;
  2. BC PNP Business Immigration

BC PNP Skills Immigration is divided into several subcategories:

International Post Graduate

This category is aimed at Master and Doctoral graduates from eligible institutions in British Columbia. A job offer is not needed in this program, but you must graduate in one of the following education fields:

  • Agriculture
  • Biological and biomedical sciences
  • Computer and information sciences and support services
  • Engineering
  • Engineering technology
  • Health professions and related clinical sciences
  • Mathematics and statistics
  • Natural resources conservation and research
  • Physical sciences

Skilled Worker Category

This category is intended for foreign workers with an eligible job offer in a skilled occupation, in which they have two years of work experience.

Health Care Professional Category

This category is intended for foreign workers with an eligible job offer and work experience in the health care industry. The health occupations which qualify for this program are given below:

  • Nurse practitioner
  • An allied health professional such as a:
  • Diagnostic medical sonographer
  • Clinical pharmacist
  • Medical laboratory technologist
  • Physician
  • Specialist
  • Registered Nurse
  • Registered Psychiatric Nurse

International Graduate

This subcategory is intended for graduates from eligible institutions within Canada. To qualify under this category, you must’ve completed your education within the past three years and have a valid job offer.

Entry Level and Semi-Skilled

This subcategory is intended for workers in long-haul trucking, food processing and valid hospitality/tourism based occupations. A permanent job offer is a must to qualify under this category with minimum nine months of consecutive work experience with the same employer.

Express Entry British Columbia

The Skilled Worker and International Graduate Category can be applied under express entry provincial nomination. EEBC connects to the Federal Express Entry System in order to process the applications at a faster pace. Eligibility under EEBC requires you to be eligible for one of the federal immigration programs:

Canadian Experience
Class Federal Skilled
Trades Program
Federal Skilled Worker

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